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Sustainable production is happening now!
Arrangör: AstraZeneca, KTH, Scania, Södertälje kommun, Södertälje Science Park
Continued progress within the field of sustainable production is cruical for the competitiveness of Swedish industry.
The Swedish research and innovation node for sustainable production, SuPr, is a unique possibility to take a global lead in developing more sustainable production methods. However, sustainability is not just a matter of reducing climate impact. The three pillars “people, planet and profit” are equally important. To succeed, it is crucial to have committed employees and establishing partnerships between business, academia, and the public sector.
As two global companies, Scania and AstraZeneca will give examples of their efforts and impacts. We will also highlight the role of the academia and the public sector, with KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Södertälje Municipality.
Lars-Henrik Jörnving
Vice President and Head of Global Industrial Development, Scania
Jim Fox
Vice President för Sweden Operations, AstraZeneca
Monica Bellgran
Professor in Industrial Production Management, KTH
Stefan Hollmark
Stadsdirektör, Södertälje kommun