← Tillbaka till Arkiv 2021

Connected, Visible and Transparent Supply Chains – The Need of the Hour

Talk |

Rarely has the importance of having visible supply chains been discussed so much as in the recent phases of the pandemic. Many sectors testified to various challenges and disruptions in their supply chains, from different perspectives. Keywords such as visibility, responsiveness, resilience, blockchain and traceability were added to the already strong driving forces around sustainability and digitization. Based on three industrial case examples, this seminar presents the current visibility challenges and provides an insight into the technologies that can be applied to attain a transparent and visible supply chain.


Magnus Wiktorsson

Head of Department, KTH

Tarun Kumar Agrawal

Post Doc Researcher, KTH

Ravi Kalaiarasan

Industrial PhD Student, Scania / KTH

Amita Singh

PhD Student, KTH